
Sunday 1 July 2012

Ant’s July Inspirations Challenge!!

I am not going to lie. Scrapping lately does not seem to be coming easily. I want to scrap - I really do. I just don't seem to be able to find the time to lug everything out and play the way I want to. And then, when I find the time to scrap, I just don't seem to have the energy or any inspiration.
Inspiration can come in all forms, magazines, photos, art, clothes, songs - heck - even just driving down the road and seeing something can inspire me. But lately, a lot of my inspiration comes from my new found love - pinterest!
If you don't know what pinterest is - then I think you are missing out. Seriously - it is like bookmarking pages and idea's you find on the internet, but with PICTURES. Being a very visual person - I know that this site was made for me personally Wink. If you are not familiar with pinterest - you can check it out here: , but be warned - it is addictive with a capital a.d.d.i.c.t.i.v.e.
While pinning the other day, I came across this image. In all honesty - I am not even sure what I was actually looking for. But this struck me - the colours in this are so different to the 'normal' colour schemes we see. Coral and Navy - who would of thought? I pinned it and set my mind to doing a LO in these colours - one day.

I have also seen a lot of these types of pics: Crayons being melted on to canvases to create art work. I am not overly impressed by this actual pic, seriously, who wants crayons hanging on their wall? OK it could look good in a kids room. But I do love the IDEA behind it and only just recently thought to myself, "I wonder if that could be done a layout?". I wasn't sure, but I was sure as heck gonna try!

So this is my challenge to you is:
1. Take inspiration from the first pic (the colour, the layout, an element of the pic, etc. )
2. Try melting crayon or another technique u have been wanting to try.

Here is my example, which I had a blast creating btw:

The winner of this challenge will receive an awesome prize from Handmade Halo!!
Entries must be loaded to the correct Gallery folder by midnight July 31!


  1. Awesome challenge Ant. I love pinterest and great inspiration pics. I'm loving how the melted crayon looks on your layout. I'm keen to give it a try!

  2. Cool challenge Ant! Love that inspiration pic, and have wanted to try the melting crayon thing! :) Best raid the kids stash! lol!! Awesome example too!! :)
